Blockchains, a report, from 2016, is a comprehensive report on how blockchains work and what they may be used for, and contains a brief comparison of bitcoin vs. debit card systems
Taxation of digital assets is a report from 2016 on how digital assets (i.e. cryptocurrencies) are looked upon by regulators and taxed throughout the world
Order doesn't matter is the term paper for a PhD level HCI class I took during Fall 2017, it talks about the influence of ordering UI elements in the quality of user feedback
Distributed ledger technical research in Central Bank of Brazil Ⓒ 2017 Central Bank of Brazil, is a report on my team's trial of using a blockchain as backup for the national RTGS. It tackles mainly issues of privacy, regulator oversight and resilience
LIFT is the first year report of the
Laboratory of Financial Innovations at the Central Bank of Brazil